The Committee Report

The Committee beg to present the Annual Balance Sheet and Report for 1916.

No County Cricket was played last year.
Your Committee expresses its most grateful thanks to the large number of Members who so generously continued their subscriptions or gave donations. Thanks to this the expenses of the year have been met. The President of the Club, Sir Jesse Boot, has again most generously contributed 50 guineas.

It will be seen that there is a balance on the year’s working, but unfortunately a claim in regard to increased License Duties imposed by the Finance Act, 1910, payable in respect of the Trent Bridge Hotel, which was referred to arbitration, has gone against the Club. The award against the Club is £398 15s. 0d., which more than absorbs this year’s profit. The costs of the arbitration, amounting to £27 6s. 2d., are included in this year’s accounts. The Act has since been repealed.

No repairs have been done to the Stands, and there is no doubt that this will be a serious item of expenditure at the end of the War. The Committee are anxious to keep the ground in good order. They are exercising every possible economy, and Members who pay their subscriptions will greatly help the Club to tide over a most anxious period.

The Pavilion has again been used during the year as a hospital for soldiers, and has been largely extended. There are now 90 beds, which number will shortly be increased to 100. The number of soldier-patients passed through the hospital since the beginning of the War is 1,230. One of the most complete electrical and massage installations in the provinces has been fitted up, which is of great benefit. It is impossible to speak highly of the good the hospital has done, or of the able and capable management of the Local Committee and Lady Bruce, the President of the Hospital.

W. H. TOMASSON, Hon. Secretary.

H. TURNER, Secretary.