Community Cricket

 Linking our communities and partners together to make cricket more visible and accessible to all

Our aim is to ensure that individuals from all backgrounds have opportunities to be involved in cricket. In Nottinghamshire, we provide a variety of community participation programmes and pride ourselves on there being an offering for everybody.

Core Cities

Diverse communities in urban environments are being given new opportunities to interact, grow, and develop crucial community cohesion through the ground-breaking Core Cities programme.

The Core Cities programme was set up in partnership with Sport England in 2018. Initially, it was designed to support the South Asian Action Plan and the idea was that it would focus on the cities that had the largest South Asian demographics. But, over time, we’ve looked to expand its reach.

In simple terms, the Core Cities programme has four key community pillars that are enacted to support local and national agendas: 

  • Listening: engaging and maintaining dialogue with communities to further cricket and community initiatives. 

  • Partnerships: working with local and national organisations to deliver our purpose. 

  • Support: tactical funding to help CCBs lead on community initiatives and localised challenges and opportunities, on areas such as refugee relocation, COVID-19, the cost of living, and youth-work programmes. 

  • Urban hubs: creating safe spaces that connect communities and bring together cricket and other local offers – such as coffee mornings, mental health awareness initiatives, community cohesion projects, soft ball, tape ball, or wellbeing programmes – in central location.

Haydn Road Community Cricket Club

Haydn Road Community Cricket Club is a fun, social and inclusive initiative which brings cricket and much more to the surrounding communities of Basford, Hyson Green, Sherwood and The Forest.

The first of its kind and Nottingham’s first Core Cities hub, the concept of the club is for it to become a thriving, fun-filled hub for non-traditional formats of the game (such as Softball Cricket), where the main focuses are simply participation, social interaction and having a great time. 

For more information, email​​​​​

Brendon Lawrence Sports Centre

Brendon Lawrence Sports Centre is the sporting epicentre of St Ann’s and is home to various sporting clubs and activities. As one of our Core Cities hubs, Brendon Lawrence Sports Centre is home to our ACE and Wicketz programmes with weekly sessions that engage a wide range of young people. With the recent addition of cricket nets, this hub will become a thriving cricketing venue for local clubs across the winter.

NCCC and The Blaze LGBTQ+ Supporters Group

As part of our Core Cities Programme, Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club and The Blaze are supporting a recently formed LGBTQ+ and allies Supporters’ Club, which is inviting new members to join and expand their community.

The supporters group, which was founded in June 2023, will offer solidarity and support to all LGBTQ+ cricketers, coaches, fans, and those in other roles at all levels of the game.

New members can join the OUTlaws Facebook page which will offer people another avenue to make more connections within the community and to provide a support network to enjoy the game of cricket.

OUTlaws Facebook Page: Facebook

OUTlaws Twitter: Twitter

To find out more about Core Cities and for more information on your nearest session, email

Walking Cricket

A slower-paced, predominantly indoor format of the game ideal for men and women aged 50 plus, Walking Cricket is the perfect way to remain involved with the game and meet new people whilst staying active.

To find out more about Walking Cricket and for more information on your nearest session, email


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