Players and Staff

Get to know your Outlaws a little better

Ant Botha

Ant  Botha

Paul Franks

Paul  Franks

Kunal Manek

Kunal  Manek

Peter Moores

Peter  Moores

Liam Price

Liam  Price

Kevin Shine

Kevin  Shine

Tom Loten

Tom  Loten

Alex Hales

Alex  Hales

Calvin Harrison

Calvin  Harrison

James Hayes

James  Hayes

Jack Haynes

Jack  Haynes

Brett Hutton

Brett  Hutton

Lyndon James

Lyndon  James

Sammy King

Sammy  King

Ben Martindale

Ben  Martindale

Freddie McCann

Freddie  McCann

Matt Montgomery

Matt  Montgomery

Steven Mullaney

Steven  Mullaney

Dane Paterson

Dane  Paterson

Liam Patterson-White

Liam  Patterson-White

Dillon Pennington

Dillon  Pennington

Toby Pettman

Toby  Pettman

Dane Schadendorf

Dane  Schadendorf

Fateh Singh

Fateh  Singh

Ben Slater

Ben  Slater

Josh Tongue

Josh  Tongue


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