
Increasing and improving the quality and diversity of our umpires

An integral part of the game, umpires are cricket's decision makers. Their presence is essential to ensure that the game is managed in the correct way and played in the right spirit.

Umpiring is a great way to support the health of the game and guarantees the best seat in the house for all cricket lovers.

The ECB have recently undertaken a review of Umpire Eductation and are now offering one entry level course to all prospective umpires.

Our next course is at Cuckney Cricket Club on March 17th. You can sign-up here.

Refresh your understanding of the Laws of cricket by referring to the MCC Laws online resource.

If you are already a trained umpire and would like to supplement the panel of willing volunteers who support cricket in the County, please contact

The Nottinghamshire Association of Cricket Officials support the development and appointments of umpires across the game. Benefits of membership to the ACO include access to online learning modules, free insurance and DBS, and monthly online newsletters.

For an ACO Membership form, click here, or for any questions email


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